Student Council

Every year an election is held in each class to choose a class representative and a deputy. The children who wish to be nominated prepare a speech to present to their classmates outlining the reasons why they should be elected. Once elected, the class representative and the deputy attend student council meetings where they discuss issues and represent their class group. They also have special responsibilities during the year, such as communicating with their class and greeting visitors to the school.
This year our election took place on Friday 20th September. There was great excitement as the children used the polling booths to record their vote and then posted their choice in the ballot box. The names of the elected representatives and their deputies were announced at assembly on the following Monday morning. The first meeting was held on Friday 27th September. We compiled a list of ideas for the coming year. Exciting times ahead!
Last year's Student Council were responsible for organising and running the Valentine's day Cake Sale. They also came up with lots of ideas for Wellbeing Week. Student voice and representation is extremely important in Loreto Senior Primary School. We are very proud of the wonderful work that our student council does throughout the year.
Loreto Senior Primary Crumlin Rd, Crumlin, Dublin, Ireland | Phone: 01 454 1669